Travel phrases for beginners

Travel phrases for beginners

Must-know travel phrases for beginners

20 Travel Phrases Every Beginner Should Know.
1: “Do you have any recommendations?” for ordering at a restaurant
2: “How much is this?” for asking about prices
3: “I’d like this” for pointing to something you want
4: “Can I try this on?” for trying on clothes
5: “Do you speak English?” for asking about language
6: “I have a reservation” for confirming a booking
7: “Water, please” for requesting more water
8: “Do you take credit cards?” for asking about payment methods
9: “This isn’t what I ordered” for addressing a mistake with an order
10: “Could we have the menu, please?” for requesting a menu
11: “Could you give me a discount?” for asking for a lower price
12. “Do you have any vegetarian dishes?” for special diets.
13: “Could you take a picture of me, please?” for asking for a photo
14: “I’m allergic to…” for explaining allergies
15: “Is the Wi-Fi free?” for asking about internet access
16: “I’d like to have a non-smoking seat, please” for seating preferences
17: “Could I get a map?” for requesting a map
18: “Could I have the check?” for asking for the bill
19: “Where is the bathroom?” for finding restroom facilities
20: “Is this the train for…?” for confirming train directions.
Can you think of other useful travel phrases? Share them in the comments.

Extract from the original article:
1. Do you have any recommendations?
The first phrase is “do you have any recommendations?” This is great to use when you get to a restaurant where you don’t know what the food is, you don’t know anything about the local cuisine, or you’re just feeling a little bit adventurous; you can ask the waitstaff “do you have any recommendations?”
2. How much is this?
This is useful when you’re out shopping or when you’re in a restaurant, and the price is not clearly marked or something is not clear to you, so you can ask “how much is this?”
Usually, when you point to something, I would recommend, like, pointing to the menu, pointing to an item, “how much is this?”

Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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