Practice English Speaking Alone

Practice English speaking alone

Practice English Speaking Alone

Would you like to practice English speaking alone?

Try these practical tips!

More resources are available her:

1. Practice pronunciation by speaking in front of a mirror

2. Read aloud to improve understanding of written and spoken English

3. Repeat sentences from videos with native speakers

4. Speak aloud in English as you go about your day

5. Memorize and recite passages from poems or speeches

6. Practice tongue twisters for problematic pronunciation

7. Record yourself speaking and listen for pronunciation issues

8. Learn English songs and sing along to improve pronunciation

9. Use dictation apps to practice pronunciation and check for errors

10. Set virtual assistants to English language mode for pronunciation practice

11. Watch shows in English with subtitles and speak along with the characters

12. Narrate sports games in English or translate sports broadcasts into English

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Extract from the article :

“Watch the shape of your mouth and your facial expressions. Pronouncing words correctly has a lot to do with getting your mouth in the right shape to make the necessary sound. By speaking in front of a mirror, you can see what your mouth and face are doing and correct what’s wrong before it becomes engrained.

  • The mirror also creates an illusion that you have a partner, which can help build your confidence without the stress of talking to a native speaker.
  • Work on sounding more conversational or natural—not being grammatically perfect every time. Try mimicking the musicality and rhythm of native speakers”
Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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