Podcasts to improve your English

Podcasts to learn English

Top podcasts to learn English

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Top 10 podcasts to help you improve your English
Podcasts are a popular way to learn a language.
They can be listened to during daily activities.
Podcasts expose you to different accents and dialects.
Many free podcasting apps are available.
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1. Espresso English offers advice on English grammar and vocabulary.
2. Coffee Break English is suitable for beginners and focuses on speaking.
3. All Ears English covers various topics and IELTS preparation.
4. Luke’s English Podcast is great for British English learners.
5. Stories Podcast features simple stories for language practice.
6. SEND7 provides daily news in intermediate English.
7. English Across The Pond covers both British and American English.
8. 6 Minute English is a BBC program for everyday situations.
9. Aussie English Podcast is for those interested in Australian culture.
10. The Daily is a more advanced podcast by The New York Times.
Extract from the original article:
1. Espresso English
Espresso English is a great place to kick off your language journey, or dig into the nuts-and-bolts of English. If you can’t tell an adjective from an adverb, or you have trouble picking the correct tense to use in a sentence, this podcast will guide you in the right direction. Each episode offers advice on tricky English topics and commonly asked questions.
When you’re ready to take your skills to the next level, the Espresso English website has more than 10 courses to further your learning, whether you want to focus on grammar, vocabulary or listening.

Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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