How to think in English

How think in English

Train Your Brain to Think in English.

Thinking in English helps to improve your fluency.
1. Start thinking in individual words.
2. Try to describe unknown words.
3. Progress to thinking in simple and more complex sentences
4. Describe your daily activities.
5. Practice thinking in conversation.
6. Take notes of new words and phrases.
7. Practice English daily.

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Extract from the original article:
If you live in a place where most people speak the language you are learning, you may use the language for several hours each day.
So, it may become part of your “inner speech.” In other words, you start thinking in that language. Your mind stops trying to translate things from your native language into the second language.
But, the majority of the VOA Learning English audience lives in places where English is not the main language.
This may be true for you. You may not have many chances to practice English. You may even be self-taught.
When you speak, your speech might be slower than you would like. This is because your mind is still translating from your first language, which can also sound unnatural. English, like every other language, has its own sentence structure.
The good news is that thinking in English can bring you a huge step closer to fluency! It is not very difficult, but it does take conscious effort and practice.
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Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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