How to say ‘How are you’ differently

How to say 'how are you' differently

How to say how are you?
Saying it differently.
Don’t ask ‘How are you?
Use these questions instead!

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Don’t say ‘How are you?’ Ask these 8 questions instead, says happiness and relationship expert: ‘You’ll get a genuine response’ Research shows deep relationships lead to a happy life.    Asking “How are you?” leads to meaningless conversations.   Ask “How are you, really?” for a genuine response.  Use “How are you doing right now?” for present challenges.  Ask “What’s been on your mind lately?” to uncover feelings.  Ask “How would you describe your feelings lately?” for honesty.  Ask “What’s feeling good, and what’s feeling hard?” for complexity.  Use “What word describes your life right now?” for insights.  Ask “What question do you wish someone would ask you?”  Can you think of other meaningful ways of saying “how are you? Share them in Comments. Share if you like. Follow for more!

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Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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