Don’t Say Sorry

Don’t say sorry. Use these phrases instead.
How to say “sorry” in simple English?
You can say: I apologize, I beg your pardon, forgive me, my bad, my mistake, or I am regretful.
Check more phrases in the article:

10 different phrases for saying “sorry”

Would you like to know how to say “sorry” differently. Try these phrases!

First up, the classic “I apologize” – a simple yet sincere way to convey remorse.
Next, “Please forgive me” – a heartfelt plea asking for understanding and pardon.
“Excuse me,” often used for minor inconveniences, shows consideration for others’ feelings.
“Mea culpa,” a Latin phrase, translates to “my fault” – admitting your error with sophistication.
“I’m so sorry, my bad” – a casual expression of regret, perfect for informal situations.
“Oops, I didn’t mean to!” – a lighthearted way to acknowledge your mistake.
For genuine empathy, try “I know I hurt you, and I’m really sorry.”
Now, “Pardon my mistake” – a polite and respectful way to accept responsibility.
“Please accept my apologies” – a sincere and humble request for forgiveness.
Lastly, “I regret my actions” – a deep expression of remorse for your behavior.
And that’s it! Use these phrases to convey your heartfelt apologies. Share if you like! Follow for more!
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Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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