How to Learn English While Traveling

How to learn English while traveling

How to learn English while travelling


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Tips on how to learn or improve your English while traveling
Top tips on how to learn a language naturally while traveling
Yes, you can learn a language more easily and quite naturally while traveling.
You can also connect with strangers and learn about different cultures
While travelling, you can also reflect on your own culture and get to know yourself better.
Some useful tips:
1. Preparation is useful. That involves, for example, listening to music in the country’s language.
2. Travel alone to step out of your comfort zone and connect with new people.
3. Avoid touristic places where everyone speaks your language.
4. Focus on communication rather than perfection.
5. Start with basics and actively engage with locals.
6. Making friends helps in learning a language naturally.
7. Spend time doing things in your target language.
8. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, it’s a part of learning.
9. Keep a journal and write in the language you’re learning
10. Be confident while using the new language!
Can you think of other tips? Share them in the comments.
Here is more information about tip 1, as in explained in the original article:
“1. Preparation is everything 
And by preparation I don’t mean studying grammar and vocabulary, at least not the traditional way. You can easily prepare yourself by listening to music in the country’s official language. When I first familiarized myself with the Portuguese language, I looked up some popular Brazilian bands and totally fell in love!

The best thing about it? Without even understanding anything in the very beginning, you start to get a feel for the language and familiarize yourself with the new sounds and pronunciation.
Once you find something you like, listen actively, start imitating the sounds, sing along. It’s kind of similar to what babies do to learn — they listen to their parents until they start imitating them.
If you want, you can look up the lyrics of your favorite songs and translate them, so that you actually understand what they are about. By doing this there’s also a way better chance that you will remember the words and their meanings, rather than by just studying and memorizing some basic phrases and vocabulary from a book.
More resources are available here

Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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