Practice English at work

Practice English at work

Practice English at work
English is the international language of business. So, a basic knowledge of English is needed in most workplaces.
So improving your English can help you socialize and perform your job better.
Here are 10 Ways to help you use and improve your English at work.
1. Avoid getting stuck in conversations.
2. Focus on learning English related to your job.
3. Treat practicing English at work as your second job.
4. Keep speaking until you are understood.
5. Listen attentively to understand others.
6. Prepare for common workplace situations in English.
7. Ask questions to clarify and learn from coworkers.
8. Learn and practice the language related to your workplace.
9. Find a colleague to practice English with.
10. Use English after work.

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Extract from the original article:
“English is the international language of business, which means that many work environments require at least some knowledge of the language. If you’re a non-native speaker working with native English speakers, you may have no choice but to practice English at work every day. However, using English at work doesn’t have to be a pain.
However, having to speak English at work can be a blessing in disguise. Many people who speak English as a second language don’t have the opportunity to practice every day. If you have to work in an English-speaking environment, you’re obligated to make English a part of your daily routine. So, count yourself lucky and take advantage of the opportunity to practice and learn as much as possible.”
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Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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