How long to learn English

How long to learn English

How long does it take to learn English?

You need about a year to acquire a decent level so that you can work in English. But the time needed depends on various factors, such as: age, current level, target level, language(s) you already speak, commitment or motivation.

 In general, you need about 70 hours to get from zero level to A1, and about 200 hours of practice for each of the six levels, from A1 to C2, which makes a total of 1120 hours, and 720 hours of instruction to get to B2 level, which is needed to work in English.

Watch the video:

For more details, you may check the link here:,least%205%20hours%20a%20day

other resources are available on my website/app:

Extracts from the article:

“A beginner can learn English in a year. That’s pretty fast, although not as fast as some of the crazy 15-day promises you see online. Specifically, a year is the average amount of time it will take an adult to become fluent enough to work in English if he starts out as a beginner and studies at least 5 hours a day. But everyone is different.

How long it will take you to learn English depends on many things:

  • Your current level of English
  • The level of English you need (Hint: for most people, upper intermediate is enough)
  • Which languages you already speak
  • If you’re living in an English-speaking country
  • How hard you study
  • How much you practice
  • How good you are at learning languages
Abdellatif Zoubair
Abdellatif Zoubair
Articles: 61

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